Country Overview
Legal forms of philanthropic organizations included in the law: Association, Benefit Corporation, Cooperative, Corporation, Endowment, Foundation, Limited Liability Company, Society, Trust, Political Organization
Main social issues addressed by these organizations: Basic Needs, Early Childhood Education through High School, Health and Medical Research, Higher Research, Religion
Average time established by law to register a philanthropic organization: Varies
Average cost for registering a philanthropic organization: Varies
Corporate registration is chiefly the responsibility of state governments in the US. Time and costs vary accordingly, but generally are not onerous. A few organizations (e.g., the American Red Cross) have Federal charters, which typically require an act of Congress and consume more time and effort to obtain. Tax status is usually determined by the Federal Internal Revenue Service, whose rules states typically follow (but they are not required to do so). Obtaining a ruling from the IRS can take several months (or even longer) and require payment of fees, as well as, perhaps, obtaining legal counsel.
Organizations also have to report fundraising activities to the states in which they operate, but compliance with this requirement is usually easy.
Government levels primarily regulating the incorporation of philanthropic organizations: Central/Federal Government, State Government
State governments are responsible for incorporation. The Federal government usually grants tax-exemption and tax-deductibility. However, state governments grant tax-exemption from state taxes, such as sales and property tax, and may have their own rules for doing so.