Country Overview
Legal forms of philanthropic organizations included in the law: Association, Cooperative, Corporation, Foundation
Main social issues addressed by these organizations: Basic Needs, Health and Medical Research, Human Rights, International Causes, Youth and Family
Average time established by law to register a philanthropic organization: 0-30 days
Average cost for registering a philanthropic organization: USD 160
There are no requirements to register philanthropic organizations (POs) in Sweden. Managing and administrating a PO may, for practical reasons, require an organization to apply for an organization number at the Swedish Tax Agency. An organization number is, for example, used when opening a bank account or signing a lease for a facility in the organization’s name. The application for an organization number is made with a one-page form found on the Swedish Tax Agency website, approval is automatic and the process is swift. A PO that wants to practice business activities, any buying or selling of goods and services, can choose to also register with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The purpose of this would be to register and thus legally protect their name within their county. This registration cost is 1500 SEK (USD 160) for the county in which the PO is situated, and an additional 1100 SEK (USD 130) for any additional county out of the 21 counties in Sweden that the PO wants to register in.
Please note that the registration and costs have increased but due to changes in the currency exchange rate, the average cost in USD for registering a PO decreased.
Government levels primarily regulating the incorporation of philanthropic organizations: Central/Federal Government
Incorporation is not required. The Swedish Tax Agency (central government) incorporates POs performing business activities.