Region Overview
The Global Philanthropy Environment Index “Caribbean” region includes Barbados and Jamaica.
The Caribbean is a diverse region that reflects strong cultures of generosity and helping one another. There is a supportive environment for philanthropy in many ways, but government bureaucracy has been identified as a major barrier for philanthropic organizations (POs). The nonprofit sector is not well funded or professionalized, making harnessing opportunities and driving innovation challenging. While there are some tax incentives for giving, they are relatively modest, not widely known, and rarely viewed as major drivers for giving. The economic environment across the region is challenged, and this has been compounded by COVID-19, which decimated tourism and related industries, leading to reduced employment and revenues. While there is no substantiating data, this economic pressure is believed to have negatively impacted giving by individuals and businesses. The pandemic did result in some new donors (local and those from other countries) stepping up with major gifts, and there is potential to harness their generosity in the future. The digital shift and mobile money transfer also present new opportunities for POs, as do new exploring models of social enterprise and social finance to augment traditional philanthropy.