Country Overview
Legal forms of philanthropic organizations included in the law: Association, Foundation
Main social issues addressed by these organizations: Arts and Culture, Basic Needs, Early Childhood Education through High School, Environment, Higher Education
Average time established by law to register a philanthropic organization: 31-60 days
Regarding the time to register a philanthropic organization (PO), it varies; the average time to register an association is 0-30 days, while a foundation requires more than 90 days according to the law.
Average cost for registering a philanthropic organization: USD 380
The average cost to register and notarize documents was estimated by the country expert. Cost for registering a PO that does not have to go to the notary can range from EUR 36 (USD 44) for public documents for associations to EUR 600 (USD 729) for public documents for foundations. Additionally, the registration fee is usually EUR 80 (USD 97), however it could vary; in some administrations, it could be also free.
Government levels primarily regulating the incorporation of philanthropic organizations: Central/Federal Government, State Government
Both foundations and associations can be registered by the Central Government (Home Affairs Ministry for associations and Ministry of Justice for foundations) or by Regions (Comunidades Autónomas) depending on the areas where POs intend to operate (local, regional, or national and international). Local governments have limited competences in this matter: local governments can register POs but only for the basis of information and data collection.