Country Overview
Legal forms of philanthropic organizations included in the law: Company Limited by Guarantee, Foundation, Trust, Society, Association, Cooperative
Main social issues addressed by these organizations: Basic Needs, Education, Food, Human Rights, Water and Sanitation
Average time established by law to register a philanthropic organization: 61-90 days
Average cost for registering a philanthropic organization: USD 600
Registration fee under the Societies Act is PKR 500 (approximately USD 3), registration under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance costs PKR 25,000 (approximately USD 152). In addition, consultants’ additional charges vary between PKR 50,000 - PKR 300,000 (approximately USD 300 – USD 1,820) to complete the formalities involved.
Government levels primarily regulating the incorporation of philanthropic organizations: Central/Federal Government, State Government
Overall, the law and regulatory body may be divided into various categories. First are those that primarily cover the registration, internal governance and accountability of organizations. Second are those that cover financial and management. Third are those that cover the reporting relationship between the state and these organizations with respect to their operations or the manner in which they treat their employees. Additionally, the Federal Bureau of Revenue (FBR) monitors and regulates the financial operations while the Economic Affairs Division (EAD) deals with the issues related to foreign funding and Foregin donors at the federal level.
Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are governed by the law through which they are registered and the internal governance is controlled by their own constitution, memorandum, rules or bi-laws submitted for registration or as amended and approved thereafter. NPOs can also seek licenses from Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), a federal body that regulates companies in Pakistan.