Legal forms of philanthropic organizations included in the law: Association, foundation, other(s): civil nonprofit company, collection committee, union, other legal entities of private law (e.g. social associational enterprises or "KOINSEP"), (some) legal entities of public law (e.g. church, chambers of commerce)
Five main social issues addressed by these organizations: Arts and culture, health and medical research, basic needs, youth and family, environment
Average time established by law to register a philanthropic organization: More than 90 days
Average cost for registering a philanthropic organization: US$500
This is the case for an association (somateio), which is the most commonly used legal form of PO in Greece because of the special tax treatment that is provided for this legal status (exclusion from value added tax and no obligation to maintain records typically required for other institutions).
Government levels primarily regulating the incorporation of philanthropic organizations: Central/federal government
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