Legal forms of philanthropic organizations included in the law: Association (including mutuals), foundation, cooperative, benefit corporation, endowment, society
Note: Since the amendment of the Particular Institutions of Social Solidarity (Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social) Statute with Decree-Law no. 172-A / 2014 of 14 November, a new category of organizations was created, Institutes of Catholic Church Organizations or Institutions, including Parish Social Centers and Diocesan and Parish Caritas (Santos, 2015)
Five main social issues addressed by these organizations: Health and medical research, basic needs, youth and family, religion, international causes
Average time established by law to register a philanthropic organization: 31-60 days
Average cost for registering a philanthropic organization: US$500
The process is simple when it comes to forming an association, since there is a proper and un-bureaucratized service, made available by the State. Through the Associação na Hora (Association on the Spot) it is easy to create an association at a minimum cost of EUR 300 or EUR 200 (in case of Student Associations created under this legal form). However, the process becomes more complex when it comes to intervening in specific areas, such as education or humanitarian intervention. From 2014 onwards, the constitution of Private Institutions of Social Solidarity was no longer possible through the Associação na Hora portal, and its constitution was now under Social Security, an institution of the government.
Government levels primarily regulating the incorporation of philanthropic organizations: Central/federal government, state government
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